Monday 24 November 2014

Welcome and Finally

Welcome to my blog. This has been in the making for over a year and I finally feel confident enough to post and publish reviews and creative pieces. Currently I have three sections on this blog: Home, for any announcements and updates I would like to share; Book Reviews, a collection of all the book reviews I wrote in the past year; Creative Corner, a place where I have been encouraged to share my writings.
The book reviews are taken from my Goodreads account. I have been participating in the 2014 Goodreads Reading Challenge and decided to share my opinions and general thoughts after finishing each book. 
The Creative Corner represents a different challenge for me. As I try to write on a regular basis again, I also made it my goal to share these pieces of creative writing in this blog. With each written piece my intention is to express creativity, reflect life and at times even question reality. Above all, I mean no harm.
With that said, welcome once more and enjoy.