Saturday 28 November 2015

Strange Sweet Song by Adi Rule

Strange Sweet SongStrange Sweet Song by Adi Rule
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

As an avid reader, I am always searching for new books to read with unique story lines and interesting characters. For quite a few months Goodreads kept recommending Strange Sweet Song and after reading the synopsis multiple times over these few months, I finally decided to purchase the book and give it a try. My hesitation stemmed from the fact that it involved music. I appreciate music just like any other person and my piano lessons are going splendidly; however, my last experience with voice lessons and specifically singing in front of other people really wasn’t worth an entry into my diary. Therefore, my slow approach to this story. Hence, my hesitation was not needed, since I loved this story.
The characters were mysterious, from the main character and her beautiful voice to her friends and instructors to the mysterious person that infuses the story with a gothic element that made this reading experience so much more enjoyable. All of them are well developed and richly created.
The writing was effortless, it flowed and takes the reader on a journey to this mysterious music boarding school with all its secrets. It was easy to get invested in the story and the protagonist’s adventure and struggle. It was quite beautiful.
The plot is unique and refreshing. After reading many YA novels, it is always great to come across a story that breathes fresh live into the enjoyment of reading.
Overall, this is a beautiful; hauntingly beautiful story that I enjoyed from the first to the last page and I cannot wait to read further publications of this author. I would recommend it to all, who crave a gothic infused story with great characters and a good mystery.

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Such is my Beloved by Morley Callaghan

Such Is My BelovedSuch Is My Beloved by Morley Callaghan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was on the fence about this story before I began reading it, since I assumed it would mostly focus on the priest and his church duties, a topic which always makes me a bit nervous. But as the saying goes, do not judge a book by its cover, so must a reader not judge the book too much on the little synopsis provided.
The character of the priest was an intriguing representation of human nature and the duties we adopt in our lifetime. The secondary characters challenge and enrich the the main character's personality and internal conflict, while at the same time bringing forth their own struggles and sense of loss.
The plot progresses very nicely, without any unnecessary details or attempts to sound poetic, taking away from the story's message.
The writing is absolutely superb. The author has an ease and control over the words he chose to express the characters and plot that the reading experience became one of a kind.
Even though this story was rather short, the impact it had on the reader is tremendous. The representation of human nature, inner conflict and the ideals of duty, religion and right versus wrong have the reader question and contemplate that which we see and experience every day. It was a great read, which can be finished in one sitting and I recommend it to anyone.

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The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton

The OutsidersThe Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I watched the movie at least ten years ago and the story had such a great impact on me that it was impossible for me to read the book without comparing it scene for scene to the movie version for just as long. However, as I was waiting in the bookstore to meet someone, I picked up this book and began reading. Within the first three pages I was hooked.
Narrated from the point of view of the main character, the story has a very honest and gritty voice that brings the reality of the lives of these boys and young men this much closer. The protagonist is multidimensional, realistic and makes it easy for the reader to feel for him and with him. The secondary characters are very well developed and are a vital part in this representation of a difficult life, reality as experienced by those whose fortune was a little less than kind.
The plot was straightforward and easy to follow as the narrator shared this story in a very intimate manner. A chain of events that takes the reader from point A to point B without any distracting side plots, details or attempts to be poetic.
The writing was clear and crisp and, as mentioned above, refrained from any unnecessary and painful tries to squeeze more out of the story. The story spoke for itself; the struggles described and the difficulties experienced were more than enough to make this story a haunting tale of teenage life much harder than it should ever be, that goes beyond acne and glasses.
I must admit, if I had not seen the movie over a decade ago, this book would have been even more haunting and strangely beautiful than it already was. Personally, I would have loved to study this book during my school years, since it focuses on the class and societal divisions that so often seem to go unnoticed in the everyday life of the study of young adult literature in the school curriculum.

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Red Sonja, Vol. 1: Queen of Plagues by Gail Simone, Walter Geovanni & Jenny Frison

Red Sonja, Vol. 1: Queen of PlaguesRed Sonja, Vol. 1: Queen of Plagues by Gail Simone
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

To set the scene imagine me waking up at 5 in the morning still suffering from the lovely jet lag that has been annoying me for almost a week. A few chores already done and breakfast had, sitting comfortable on my couch, my year-long Christmas lights giving the only illumination in the room as the night slowly turns to day.
This volume was a birthday present given to me just yesterday by my good friend, saying that might as well give a story about a bad ass red-head to his bad ass red-head friend. And bad ass it certainly was.
The artwork was great, very detailed and captured me right from the very first page.
Sonja was an interesting and compelling character to follow throughout this story and the plot unfolded nicely.
I appreciated the author's decision to include back flashes into the story to tell Sonja's past.
I only wished the story was a bit longer, otherwise, I am seriously thinking about continuing this series.

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