Thursday 21 May 2015

In the Shadow of Blackbirds by Cat Winters

In the Shadow of BlackbirdsIn the Shadow of Blackbirds by Cat Winters
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was so impressed with the author's writing after reading The Cure for Dreaming that I could not wait until I got my hands on her first book, In the Shadow of Blackbirds and I was not disappointed.
The mood created was perfect. It was grey and full of gloom and hopelessness, yet the reader could not help cheering on the protagonist as the plot unfolded.
The introduction of the protagonist in the first few pages was one of the best introductions I have ever read. It established the foundation of growing interest that is based on a character that was well thought out and created without any inconsistencies in order to suit the plot. It can be quite difficult to create the character of a teenager/young woman that shows strength and a steady personality, without coming across as too unrealistic and even annoying.
The plot, or rather the growing mystery that kept unfolding and twisting with every chapter had me reading over 200 pages straight without looking up once. Every time I thought the mystery was about to be solved another piece of the puzzle fell into place that changed the greater picture of the story.
The writing was superbly executed. It flowed effortlessly and paints a clear picture of the story that is being told. I appreciated the details, historical facts and customs about the time period included, which brought this story so much more to life.
I truly wish I could discuss any part of the story, but I fear I might give one detail away that could spoil the true experience of it. I can only say that one does not only read this book, but live through it. The reader cannot help but feel with and for the protagonist and I would have read it in one sitting, if I had had the time. I recommend this book to anyone, who loves quality YA fiction, historical fiction, mystery and suspense.

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