Monday 27 October 2014

Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

Me Before YouMe Before You by Jojo Moyes
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

About half way through the book I thought I had quite a few things to say about it. Even after I was 80% done, I still thought of some points to mention. Now, after having finished the book, all I can say is "Really?" This plot had so many different possibilities and the author decided to go "there", taking it from something that could have had a lot of substance, addressing sensitive issues and topics in a slightly less melancholic way as it was told through the eyes of the lively main character. Yet at the end the reader can find themselves once again lost in translation between good fiction and fluff fiction that is meant to tug at the readers' heartstrings from time to time.
However, I thought the main character to be witty and, as I already said, lively. She had depth, strengths and weaknesses, although she came across as very naive. I found myself more than once hoping that she should have learned quicker from past experiences.
At the end, I am sitting and staring at my screen only capable of shrugging my shoulders in response to the question "what did you think?".
It is a quick and easy read.
Would I recommend it? I wouldn't necessarily recommend it, but I would tell of its option, if one was in a quick and easy chick lit type of mood.

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