Wednesday 1 February 2017

Abenteuer aus Onkel Dagoberts Schatztruhe 01: Lustiges Taschenbuch präsentiert by Francesc Bargadà Studio, Walt Disney Company

Abenteuer aus Onkel Dagoberts Schatztruhe 01: Lustiges Taschenbuch präsentiertAbenteuer aus Onkel Dagoberts Schatztruhe 01: Lustiges Taschenbuch präsentiert by Francesc Bargadà Studio
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Every comic book has a table of contents page at the beginning, which lists if the stories in this comic have been previously published or if they are actually German first publications. Sadly, if they have been previously published, only the publication number is listed and not the actual year, which gives me much to ponder, since this book contained all stories that looked, based on the art and design, like they belong from the 1980’s special publications that were printed in larger books. My own curiosity cannot be satisfied in that aspect, but it doesn’t take away from the fun I have reading them.
This particular book only contains comics that feature Uncle Scrooge (obviously), Donald Duck and their three nephews. The entire book has the feeling of the DuckTales series that came out back in the 80’s. I was surprised, though, how much of a cry baby Uncle Scrooge is. In every story, he would cry at least once and then go back to being a little miser he always is.
Needless to say, I very much enjoy these comics. With their cozy feeling, they are the perfect thing to read on a cold winter’s day, wrapped up in a blanket, sipping a tea.

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